There is a set (SCP) of candidiate promises (CP's). Every candidate promise in SCP has the following four characteristics. (Note we do not necessarily know, pre-singularity, what the text of any given CP is.)
1. "No Prior Knowledge Required": Fulfilling CP requires no pre-Singularity action by us.
2. "Easy to Fulfill": Fulfilling CP requires minimal resources from us post-Singularity, on the order of .00001 or less of our post-Singularity resources. Fulfilling CP also does not require any of us to do anything that post-Singularity society considers blatantly unethical; in addition, it exempts each individual from committing any actions that he considers blatantly unethical. For example, if there are specific post-singularity injunctions against inflicting pain on simulated beings, CP does not require us to break those injunctions.
3. "Beneficial": Suppose that we publicly commit to fulfilling CP, even though we don't know until after the singularity what the text of CP is. Our decision to publicly commit pre-Singularity to CP, increases the expected utility for humanity, and the expected utility for us, by a factor of .00001 or more. (Example: a CP might qualify if it lowers the chance of humanity's destruction from 50% to less than 49.9995%.) Utility is as measured by mankind's CEV (Coherent Extrapolated Volition).
Suppose we make the following promise, called the Open Promise:
"After the Singularity, if we are able to do so, we will ask an AGI to examine SCP. If SCP is empty, then we are not bound to take any action. If SCP is non-empty, we will ask the AGI to pick out one of the "best" CP's; call this BCP. CP's are considered "better" if they have a higher expected increase in utility, and if they require a smaller amount of resources. (We'll generally give an increase in expected utility a heavier weight than a reduction in required resources.) We will then fulfill BCP."
Why do we think SCP may be non-empty? See here for a proof-of-concept.
In addition, the AGI is smarter than me, and may think of a completely different angle that would not occur to me or that I would wrongly dismiss as non-viable. Puzzle: Are there other scenarios that do not in any way involve an Unfriendly AI, where SCP is non-empty? I can think of one scenario, but it's contrived and improbable.